
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hot Hot Hot!

  It's been awhile since my last post. Really didn't have much to say, I've just been gardening reading and exploring. It's beginning to get hot, extremely hot for a Canadian. Summer is arriving, and I already want it to disappear. I prefer  spring here, +28 which is perfect. +34 that's ridiculous, I'm in for an intense summer. Today it's supposed to get up to +34, it's been +30 since 10am. Yesterday It got up to +33 then there was a enormous storm, thunder and lightening like I've never seen. The news claimed that 21 000 bolts of lightening were seen. The cracks from the thunder made me jump, we get storms in Canada but nothing to that degree. It didn't last for too long, maybe an hour. I hear the hail is jumbo, which I'm looking forward to cos that is the closest to snow I'll get. I'm sure I'll be out dancing in it then I'll find myself with a concussion. The heat is different than Canada, we can get +33 days in summer (Rare but it happens) but it's nothing like here. As soon as I step outside I commence to sweat. Not just a tiny amount, I sweat buckets. I'll be hanging the clothes out and I'll have to stop to wipe the sweat from my face cos it's stinging my eyes. I have to apply sunscreen every 30 minutes when it's +33. I go for distant walks often and the minute I get home I always have a cold shower to cool my body off, then I'll sit in front of the fan with ice packs.  I keep sunscreen and bug spray with me when ever I venture out. The mossies seem to love me, I get about 10 bites a day. Lucas gets none. I don't get it, but I have bites all over and that's with using spray. If I go outside to garden I spray myself from head to toe and I still get attacked, if I forget to spray, I get about 30 bites in 20 minutes. They are in love with my Canadian blood. It's pretty shitty for me though. I haven't applied make up in about 2 weeks, really no point cos I end up sweating it off. My hair is constantly in a bun. I haven't done my hair ( hair dryer/straightener) since I've gotten here. I think I've wore pants once. I've likely had a cardigan on a handful of times. I only wear socks when I go for walks. Other than that sandals only. I drink close to 5 litres of water a day. I sweat about that much. I walk through an average of 3 spider webs a day, not small ones either. I have a pet Gecko named "Ed" who comes in my house every night. Possums are always wondering around outside at night, they make a horrible sound. The first time I heard one, Lucas was in bed and I was watching a movie and I actually screamed. I call it the "Demon" outside. Look it up on Youtube. It's pretty scary!

I'm gonna go sweat all over my couch and watch some Cricket!

  Bye for now!